Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD Level I
Tuesday 2/28/12

Today's workout went much more smoothly than yesterday! There were no signs of puking or myocardial infarctions this time around. I was able to up my intensity from yesterday, drawing on the "hurts so good" feeling of working the sore muscles I woke up with. I didn't need the 5 second rests (just took a few 1-2 second shake offs) and I was able to complete each circuit in its entirety - with many grunts and growls along the way. Yesterday my body seemed stunned at what I was asking it to do. Today it seemed to say "Ok, bitch. We're really going here again, huh? Fine den! Let's do it right."

It was definitely a mind over matter type of morning because I had to force myself out of bed with a big leap and immediately put my workout clothes and shoes on all the while repeating in my mind "you will do this, you will do this, you will do this". While making myself breakfast I had the DVD menu screen running in the background. They loop this crazy upbeat house type of music and I started dancing like a club kid in the kitchen. I busted out my imaginary glow sticks and would have challenged myself to a dance off had my cream of wheat not been ready so quickly. Its shit like this that lightens the mood. No reason to go into your workout grumpy and pissed off at the world - I find going in with good feelings really acts as positive reinforcement later on. You start connecting working out with happiness/feeling good and you're more apt to look forward to it. I'm going to finish out this week on Level I and if my body continues to adapt and remember its capabilities as well as it did today I will bump up to Level II more quickly than expected :).

Today's breakfast:
3 Tbs Whole Wheat Cream of Wheat
1.25 Cups Fat Free Milk
1/2 Tsp Pure Stevia Extract (powder)
tiny sprinkle of salt

Yesterday's Food Log:

1 Cup Raw Organic Whole Oatmeal (instant)
1/2 Cup Fat Free Milk
1 Tsp Cinnamon (powdered)
1 Tsp Agave Nectar

2-3 oz Deli Turkey Meat
1/2 cup baby carrots
2 oz Reduced Fat Cheddar cubes
3 Persian Cucumbers in lime juice with a sprinkle of salt

2 Medium Kiwis
1 Cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese
1/4 cup Raw Almonds

1.5 cups Green Beans
1 Egg
1.5 cups Tomato Soup
2 slices 100% Whole Wheat Bread
2 oz Skim Milk Mozzarella
1 medium Asian Pear

Water intake is way up now to at least 6 glasses a day

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