Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 3 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD
Level I
Wednesday 2/29/12

Some excuses my sore ass tried to use to discourage myself from working out this AM:

-They say that after working out for two consecutive days you need a rest day. And, well, I am *pretty* sore, amirite? is Leap Day! I mean c'mon, that doesn't even technically count as a real day. So therefore it wouldn't be a big deal if I just skipped over it and picked back up on Thursday :D.

- It's so cold in the house I can literally see my breath right now. How can I possibly work out in this icebox-like environment?

Then I looked up and saw the chart on my wall. Only 2 days marked off and I'm already trying to talk myself out of something? Girl, please! I hopped out of bed, put on my workout clothes and headed to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. As I ate my cream of wheat I blew steamy hot breath out through my mouth and pretended I was a dragon. It was awesome.

The first 5-7 mins of the session were TOUGH. Grunted through sore muscles and purposely made my movements a little more dramatic as not to let the heaviness I felt in my limbs bring me down. After my heart rate was up and my blood was flowing it was all good. My body is continuing to cooperate and I'm so happy for that.

Today's breakfast:

3 Tbs Whole Wheat Cream of Wheat
1.25 Cups Fat Free Milk
1/2 Tsp Pure Stevia Extract (powder)

Yesterday's Food Log:

1 Cup low fat low sodium Stew (lean beef, baby potatoes, carrots, onion)
1 Cup Green Beans
1/4 Cup Scrambled Egg
1/4 Cup Tomato Soup
1 tiny piece Naan Bread
1 Medium Asian Pear

1/2 Stick light String Cheese
3 Honey Wheat Pretzel Sticks

2 Medium Kiwis
1/4 cup Blueberries
2oz Reduced Fat Cheddar

2oz Skinless BBQ Chicken
1/2 Cup Multigrain Cheerios
1/2 Cup Kashi Honey Crunch Cereal
1/2 Cup Non-fat milk

6 glasses water

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