Monday, February 27, 2012

Unedited Thoughts During my 1st Workout This AM:
(Day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD Level I)
Monday 2/27/12

-Oh sweet Jesus, what have I gotten myself into?
-I could still be in my comfy cocoon of a bed right now.
-I love my bed.
-Um, please don't vomit.
-Man! When is the last time I worked out? (still can't remember)
-Are you seriously going to vomit right now? Get it together, Vero!
-Warning! You're about to have a heart attack!
-No, you're not. You're not even 30 yet. Bet your ass you'll have one eventually if you don't finish this gahdang workout.
-Remember Vero, a drink of water does not = 5minute break
-WTF? Is that water and oatmeal I hear sloshing around in my belly? Ewww!!
-What time is it? ONLY 12 MINUTES IN?! Orrrmaigarr!
-Stop being a drama queen.
-Only one more circuit to go! Shit...and cardio.
-3,2,1 and DONE-SKI!
-That wasn't so bad, now was it? ...was it? ...Vero? (laying on the floor, sweaty, flushed, chest heaving).
-Yes! Cool down. I'm good! Here come the endorphins, ahhhh.

*Contrary to my crazy train of thought I did better than I expected - especially coming off such a long lapse of intentional physical activity. I was able to complete the entire 20min workout at a decent level of intensity. I felt the discomfort I remember all too well but managed to push through - closing my eyes and focusing hard when I felt like stopping. I took a few 5 second rests when it felt like my heart was coming up out of my throat and I fumbled through one of the sets of side lunges w/ anterior raises but other than that I hung in there :).

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