Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 4 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD
Level I
Thursday 3/1/12

Must keep it kind of short today because I have to get on the road to work a bit earlier than usual.

Today's workout went well - certainly a lot less sore than yesterday! I am definitely seeing a change in my endurance and ability to execute the movements properly. So proud of my body for being able to jump back into the swing of things with ease. I'm very excited to share my results with you all when the time comes :) I haven't decided yet but I was thinking of posting a photo/stat update every two weeks until I reach my goal weight. If that becomes too frequent then I'll change it to once a month. Looking forward to writing more in my back story post tonight. If I thought last night was difficult...whew, tonight is going to be soul shaking.

Today's breakfast:
3 Tbs Whole Grain Cream of Wheat
1.25 Cups Fat Free Milk
1/2 Tsp Pure Stevia Extract (powder)
*LOVING this Cream of Wheat!

Yesterday's Food Log:

1/4 Cup pulled BBQ Chicken
1 Cup Turkey Chili
1 tsp Yellow Mustard
2 oz. Reduced Fat Cheddar
1 Large Fuji Apple

3/4 Cup Nonfat Plain Yogurt
1/4 Cup Almonds
1/4 Cup Black Berries
1/2 Cup Persian Cucumber with lime
1/2 Whole Wheat Mini Bagel
1/2 Wedge Strawberry Cream Cheese
1 Packet Stevia

1 oz Chicken Breast
2 Cups Broccoli
2 oz Part Skim Milk Mozzarella
5 Slices Jenny-O Turkey Bacon

1 Hershey's Kiss
1 Worther's Original

6+ glasses of water

Daily Totals:
Fat: 47.53g
Carbs: 167.10g (I need to work on lowering this significantly)
Protein: 116.48g
Calories: 1,534

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