Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 5 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD
Level I
Friday 3/2/12

Keeping it on the short side once again because I'm running about 15mins behind this AM. Had to help a family member with a favor last night and even though it wasn't any thing extremely huge it still knocked me off of the routine I've been building. I didn't get to write the blog update I had my heart set on last night but I really want to dig in to it tonight. I spent the day emotionally preparing for it yesterday because it's that much of an intense subject for me. I hope my words won't fail me and that I can find some serenity through sharing. That being said...

These two songs popped into my head when I woke up this morning - one right after the other:

I've decided that tomorrow will be a cardio day (I'm starting my Saturday CHLD DEV class tomorrow 9:30a-4p - hope I get added!!) and Sunday will be a rest day. I'm really proud at how I followed through this week and know that a healthy rest on Sunday is in the best interest of supporting my body and my spirit in continuing on. I do plan on remaining a little active that day, though, with a lovely stroll/light hike through some kind of beautiful natural setting.

A quote in honor of the late Dr. Seuss:
“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” -DR. S

Today's breakfast:

3 Tbs Whole Grain Cream of Wheat
1.25 Cups Fat Free Milk
1/2 Tsp Pure Stevia Extract (powder)

Yesterday's Food Log:

I'll fill in the details later tonight since I'm in a rush but here are the totals.

Daily Totals:
Fat: 28.95g
Carbs: 208.86g (I need to work on lowering this significantly)
Protein: 84.17g
Calories: 1,392

*Going to sit down and plan out a better nutritional strategy this weekend. Though my caloric intake is on the mark my carb intake is way too high (especially for a woman with PCOS). I need to reduce carbs and increase protein stat.

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