Thursday, March 8, 2012

Obeying the Breath

Day 7 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD
Level I
Thursday 3/8/12

Feeling so much better this AM! I can breaf! haha :) Got to start work later than expected today so it was nice to sleep in and get a little extra rest in before I threw everything into my workout this morning. It felt great to be able to push myself further than I have these last few days. I was cussing and grunting and high fiving myself. It was magical. lol!

It's so easy to take our health and abilities for granted. The minute we're sick or injured all of the would've, should've, could'ves flood in. Truth is when we were capable it was always "well, maybe I'll start tomorrow". Nike was certainly on to something with their "JUST DO IT" campaign, that's for sure.

Gotta run off to work! I have the day off tomorrow so I'll finally be able to stay up late tonight and fill in all of the holes I've left on my blog this past week.

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